
Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Episode i.   Happy New Year!
Welcome to a new season of Paper Petalody
Blog Beat Blog Beat New Day | Kate Havnevik

Welcome to 2015. The "fresh start" feeling I get at the beginning of a new year comes with a bit of anxiety, especially when I consider what I would like to accomplish over the next 365 days. It comes with all the questions of what I want to change, what I need to change, and what I will actually be able to change. What? Old habits die hard!

I mean, seriously... To those that actually keep all their resolutions, kudos.

My 2015 will be happy

1. Smile

First thing every morning, I will put a huge grin on my face. Every day can bring new opportunities, so why not start in a good mood? Happiness might very well be the key to the good life. Don't believe me? Check this article from Psychology Today. Yeah, smiling can actually make you feel better. But I feel like we've established that. Isn't laughter already the best medicine?

Skydiving, anyone?

2. Take risks

Playing it safe doesn't always work: life tends to have its own agenda. I avoided making risky decisions out of fear of failing, but sometimes amazing things can come out of thinking on your toes. The way I see it, you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket! Still a little iffy about falling from the sky, though...

S. O. S.

3. It's okay to ask for help

Alright, so I have this reputation of being "Little Miss Know-It-All". First of all, I prefer the term "Miss Independent". Second, yeah, there are advantages to doing things on your own, like not having to share the glory of a fabulous work. And of course, there's the old saying "If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself".
REALITY CHECK. I can't do it all. I'm not invincible. Even superheroes have weaknesses! Independence is good, but I shouldn't feel embarrassed about asking for help.

Dolla' dolla' bill y'all

4. Have realistic expectations

I have a very active imagination. I keep such high standards (for others and myself) that I always end up slightly dissatisfied because things never turn out how I imagined. It chips away at my confidence and makes me feel a little incompetent. This year, I'll aim for "good enough" instead of "perfect". Will I have a popular boutique/café/bakery shop with a line-up around the corner and $1,000,000 to my name by 2016? Unlikely. But I won't let that stop me!

Make lemonade

5. Appreciate every day

You only live once. Carpe diem.

Bring it on...

New B

  Name:   Bianca
  Status:   Divergent
  Likes:   Blueberry green tea, pixie cuts, and altered books
  Dislikes:   Closed-minded people
  Raisons D'êtres:   Palettes and pastries

"All glory comes from daring to begin" - Eugene F. Ware

Paper Petalody

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