
Wednesday, 1 April 2015

30 Days of Daffodils

30 Days of Daffodils
Episode IV i   30 Days of Daffodils
Things are gonna be a little different this month...
Blog Beat Blog Beat Stand By Me | Playing For Change

April is cancer awareness month. The Canadian Cancer Society has been using the daffodil as a symbol in the fight against cancer, so I decided to use the daffodil as a theme for this entire month... If you've been reading my posts, you know that I am a two-time cancer survivor, so have become well acquainted with the disease. I only have one thing to say about cancer: if it had a face, I would punch it.

Channeling my inner Muhammad Ali

A Big, Ugly Bear

Cancer does not discriminate. It doesn't care about your age, gender, race, faith, sexual orientation, or social status. It will not wait for the right time to strike. It will not consider your responsibilities and the inconveniences it will pose in your life. And it certainly ignores the devastating affect it can have on you, your family, your friends, and the other people that love you.

A daffodil for Cancer Awareness month

Float Like a Butterfly

My mother surprised me with the announcement that she is participating in the One Walk to Conquer Cancer. She has been at my side throughout my entire cancer journey, and I feel absolutely blessed to have such a strong, supportive mom. She has been my rock, and I can't thank her enough for what she has done for me. Although, I definitely know what can help...

Me and my mom...
I'd love to get her a beachfront condo in Aruba, but that's a little outside my budget...

Sting Like a Bee

Support my mom! My mom has pledged to raise (at least) $1500 for the 25 km OneWalk to end all cancers benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. This time, I support her; so, I invite you to help me in supporting my mom, and fight together to bring an end to cancer.

You in my corner?

Of course you are! Donate here!

Every penny counts!

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'" - Muhammad Ali

Paper Petalody

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